Monday, April 1, 2013

Balloon blowing Sunday...

Man, I love this man.  
All I had to do was mention that it would be fun to decorate with balloons for the Easter egg hunt and his mind was off and running... and I have to admit, I wasn’t too keen on blowing up the balloons myself so I was so grateful that he (and his wife) came up with a solution.  
On Palm Sunday, after many workers had scurried about and set up all the tables and chairs, he gave me a quick demo which quickly turned into an assembly line with some of my all-time favorite people. Whew! I’m glad I remembered I had my camera – I mean I HAD to capture this moment! Although, I don’t think I’ll forget it anytime soon. 
My neighbors, Curt and Ann were also given a quick lesson on tying balloons and then they were off and tying! 
Chuck had rigged up his air compressor with just the right nozzle to blow up balloons. Mind you, he has to keep one foot on it while it’s running or it bounces across the room, but it works like a charm! Oh, those balloons got blown up in no time! 
His wife, Pat even took some time and played a little “balloon catch” with my little girl. Oh, it was so precious!   
I adore this man. He always has a smile on his face. He always has a hug to give. And he’s a terrific adopted grandparent to me and my family (and to many in the community).  If you ever pop into our church on a Sunday morning, you might want to choose a seat next to him and you just may find that you’ll enjoy the hymns even more. Oh man, his voice is absolutely beautiful.
 Oh, he works so hard. I cannot even count the times I drive by that church and there he is, working in the yard, mowing the lawn, painting a sign, or doing some other church repair. And every Sunday morning after the coffee has all been drank, he takes his spot (along with Curt) behind the counter and they serve the coffee and goodies and then they both take a place at the kitchen sink and wash all of the dishes. 
Oh, they both serve with such commitment and kindness.
Ever since the "balloon blowing Sunday", many times I have caught myself giggling as I think about Chuck with his foot on the compressor, a smile on his face, filling up balloons and chuckling about how his teeth might fall out from the agitation of the compressor. Oh, his giggle and his heart for serving others makes my heart so happy.  
And he did it all just so we could have balloons at this years Easter Egg Hunt!
T’was a beautiful moment at our beautiful little country church!

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