Saying goodbyes before leaving for the airport. Pay no attention to the fact that I look like I've been crying all day, that may or may not have happened. ;)
It's just Elena and I making the flight to MN. Deacon was just too sick to travel, so he stayed home with Erik. It was so hard to leave him, thus the possible tears ;)... but the boys will join us in a few days and we'll all be together again.Elena's friend Meaghan and her mom were gracious enough to drive us to the airport in the wee hours of the evening. Our flight left in the wee hours of the morning.
Elena is such a delightful traveler. She has been so excited (maybe even a bit hyper) about the whole experience. She did such a great job of navigating the airports, checking our flights and making sure we made it to the gate on time. She's a great traveling partner!
She kept us on task, encouraging me not to dilly-dally, but after carefully checking the clock, we decided there was time for her to do some tangrams on the huge screen! A definite MSP highlight for her!
My sister Dayna met us at the airport in Fargo, we grabbed a quick bite to eat at IHOP and now we're relaxing at the farm in Minnesota! Yay!
And we're anxiously waiting for Erik and Deacon to join us!

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