We had a little bbq this past week-end. Here are a few photos.
Our friend Mid came too. Hi Mid! (She's a regular reader of the LundbyHive.)
We all love Mid and it makes me especially happy to see her treated with so much love and respect! This is our friend Bob talking to Mid and the following picture is his brother Phil.
We ate tons of yummy bbq fare.
Our next door neighbors, Curt and Ann.
Some of us hung out near the grill which has, thankfully made it's home, on the outside of the house.
Oh, Isabella... sweet Isabella.
We adored the little ones.
My neighbor Ann. Oh, I loved this! She loves to hold babies and hasn't dared to hold one for fear of her arms giving out on her, so we got her sitting in a good chair and handed her a sleeping Hank. She began patting his back and the smile on her face... oh, it was priceless!
Mid and Ann holding babies. I love this!
Baby Hank meet baby Derek. Their due dates were a day apart, but they were both born early on the same day! Derek is my neighbor's son and Hank is my sister, Nora's son.
Two of my wonderful friends, Maureen and Mid. They both have a wit with no end and hearts as big as they come, lovely they are just lovely!
We had such a good time with our family and friends. Thank you all for coming! We loved having you at the Lundby Hive!

The weather was a bit chilly so we mostly hung out inside.
Jon, Wendy with Derek and Jessica. It's so nice to have nice friends and nice neighbors!
We had tons of yummy bbq fare.Our friend Mid came too. Hi Mid! (She's a regular reader of the LundbyHive.)
We all love Mid and it makes me especially happy to see her treated with so much love and respect! This is our friend Bob talking to Mid and the following picture is his brother Phil.
These photos were taken at different times throughout the evening, and they make me so happy to see Mid so happy. Mid knew these boys when they were literally, boys.
A few more of our friends, Bob and Cathy and Hope and Steve. We ate tons of yummy bbq fare.
Our next door neighbors, Curt and Ann.
Some of us hung out near the grill which has, thankfully made it's home, on the outside of the house.
Oh, Isabella... sweet Isabella.
We adored the little ones.
My neighbor Ann. Oh, I loved this! She loves to hold babies and hasn't dared to hold one for fear of her arms giving out on her, so we got her sitting in a good chair and handed her a sleeping Hank. She began patting his back and the smile on her face... oh, it was priceless!
Mid and Ann holding babies. I love this!
Baby Hank meet baby Derek. Their due dates were a day apart, but they were both born early on the same day! Derek is my neighbor's son and Hank is my sister, Nora's son.
Oh, there was so much yumminess!
Two of my wonderful friends, Maureen and Mid. They both have a wit with no end and hearts as big as they come, lovely they are just lovely!

It looks as if you all had a great time. Wish we could have been there to enjoy in all of the fun and festivities.