First, we hosted Erik's parents and then 10 days later we hosted Erik's sister, her husband and three children. We are so grateful that they all made the trip from Minnesota to see us.
Those Lundby's and Allrich's sure know how to pack a lot of activity into a vacation... I kept up, but was stunned at the pace they can keep... I dubbed it "Another Yellowstone Vacation" (referrring to our vacation with them last summer and their incredibly high "vacation stamina"). We did a lot of hiking, sightseeing, eating, visiting... and there certainly was not a shortage of laughter! As tired as I am, I really am looking forward to our next vacation with them... just give me a month or two and then, let the planning begin! :)
I kept thinking of my mom and how she managed 10 kids... I mean, how did she do it? Wow! Thanks for all you did mom!
As always, thanks for stopping by the Lundby Hive!

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